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On January 29th, EDMN sponsored a legislative dinner with local union leaders and their district legislators.
About 10 legislators attended, representing the school districts of White Bear Lake, Stillwater, Roseville, Mounds View, and North Saint Paul.  The dinner was held at Jimmy's in Vadnais Heights.

Included in the photo are (from left to right):  Roseville teacher (retired) Rick Winter, Representative Isaacson (District 42B), Representitive Fischer (43A), WBLTA's Joe Christensen, WBLTA President Michael McKenzie


We all have had, or will have, bad days, bad units, bad test results, and sometimes bad years.  Don't lose heart or hope in the power of being a teacher.  This inspirational story starts sad, but by the end, it shows us all the power of great teaching.


The WBLTA took the unprecedented step of formally adopting a legislative stance for approval of the HITA Bill (Health Insurance Transparency and Accountability Act).  As you know, health insurance premiums have skyrocketed in the past few years.  This bill will go a long way towards curbing the worst abuses that lead to higher costs.

 Click here for more information about why we support the HITA bill.

Please contact your Minnesota Senator and House member listed below and let them know you support this bill.  Local representatives' contact information is below.

Senator Charles W. Wiger, (DFL)


On Wednesday, WBLTA's Joe Christensen, Paul Seeba, and President Michael McKenzie met with state legislators (Pictured below along with Stillwater and Forest Lake EdMN members).

WBLTA met with Senator Wiger, Majority Leader Hanson, Representative Fischer and Senator Chamberlain, among others.(Legislative briefing before heading to the capital)